The General Assembly (GA) is the highest sovereign body of UEMF. It is chaired by the Chancellor, appointed by HM the King. It meets at least once a year and as often as necessary to approve UEMF's activities and financial situation, to decide on any acts affecting the university's assets, to decide to take legal action, or to renew the terms of office of the members of the Orientation, Supervisory and Development Board (OSDB), also known as the Board of Directors.
The GA may meet in extraordinary session (EGA) to deal with urgent and vital issues, such as i) the amendment and modification of the Statutes, ii) the implementation of new orientations or iii) the dissolution of the Foundation.
Legal persons:
The Chancellor of UEMF
The President of UEMF
The Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Administrative Reform
The Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)
The Perpetual Secretary of the Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology
The Wali of the Fez-Meknes Region
The President of the Fez-Meknes Region
The Mayor of the city of Fez
The President of the CGEM
The President of the Conference of University Presidents of Morocco (CPU)
The Rector of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture
The President of EMUNI University of Slovenia
The Secretary-General of Universities, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain.
Natural Persons with their names in alphabetical order:
Mr Azoulay André
Mr Azzouzi Abdelhak
Mr Bakkoury Mustapha
Mr Benjelloun Othman
Mr Chkili Taib
Mr Douiri M'hammed
Mrs Gendreau Massaloux Michelle (ex spokesperson for the Élysée Palace)
Mr Horani Mohamed
Mr Jamai Ahmed
Mrs Krasta-Tsagarapoulou Rodi (Former Vice-President of the European Parliament)
Mr Kettani Saad