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Apply nowSpecialized Master in Finance, Audit, and Performance Management
Diploma awarded
: Specialized " Master "Duration of studies
: 2 yearsCoordinator
: Hicham SebtiSemester 1
ERP, BI and data analytics for finance functions
In-depth financial diagnosis
Sustainable development, CSR and circular economy
Group Accounting and Taxation
Performance and cost management
Semester 2
Advanced project management and business plan
Business valuation
Bank finance and cash management
Financial markets and risk management
International financial standards
In-depth budgetary control
Governance, risk management and internal control
Internal audit process
Semester 3
Professionalization for finance professions
Financial stakes of the digital transformation
Financial engineering
Mergers and Acquisitions
Financial audit process
Strategic control and dashboards
Organizational control in specific contexts
Operational and information systems audit
Internship and Final School Project
Le Master Spécialisé en Finance, Audit et Pilotage de la Performance a pour objectif de préparer les étudiants à exercer les métiers de la Finance d’Entreprise, de la Banque, de l’Audit au sein des Cabinets Expertise d’Audit et de Conseil, ainsi que la mise en œuvre de système de Contrôle de Gestion, de Contrôle Interne ou de Risk Management au sein des entreprises. Les deux années du Master permettent aux étudiants de développer des compétences et une expertise pour diriger et transformer les organisations.
Euromed Business School
Define and implement a company's financial management strategy;
Build and deploy an organization's accounting and financial management tools;
Structure and implement a financial and operational audit mission;
Innovate to imagine products and solutions that meet the needs of stakeholders and organizations;
Define and implement the strategy and tools for Performance Management;
Identify and Manage Risks
1st year of the Master's degree
To have validated either:
The first six semesters of the Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management or equivalent;
The first six semesters of a state-recognized business and management school;
Entrance exam in two stages:
1: Pre-selection based on file review
2: Motivation interview
Possible routes
Corporate Finance
The Corporate Finance specialization course aims to train high-level executives in corporate strategy and financial management.
Audit and Performance Management
The specialization course in Auditing and Performance Management aims to prepare students to work in the Auditing professions in Auditing and Consulting Firms. They are also prepared to implement Performance Management systems in companies, such as Management Control, Internal Control or Risk Management.
Finance d’entreprise
- Responsable Financier ;
- Responsable de Trésorerie ;
- Analyste Financier ;
- Responsable Client Entreprise en Banque ;
- Auditeur Financier ;
- Risques Manager ;
- Responsable de la Comptabilité ;
- Consultant.
Audit et Pilotage de la Performance
- Auditeur Financier ;
- Auditeur et Contrôleur Interne ;
- Risque Manager ;
- Contrôleur de Gestion ;
- Consultant en Management.