Faculté EuroMed des Sciences Humaines et Sociales

Registration is Open
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Why choose the FEMSHS?

Joining our Faculty means making the right choice to access one of its highly specialised fields that enable:
The development of your personality at the cultural, scientific and artistic levels.
The acquisition of high-level knowledge in both the introductory and speciality modules. 
Access to an internationalised education opening the door to various other training courses in different universities and partner institutions.
The mastery of new skills preparing for today's most current jobs in innovative and value-added sectors. 

The Euromed Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers study programmes in diversified and highly specialised disciplines. Its courses will allow you to prepare for the job market or to specialise in a field of the future, in order to achieve your career goals.

The FHSS allows you to acquire skills in:

Sustainable development in order to meet the challenges of modern societies
Entrepreneurship and communication in companies and institutions
New Information and Communication Technologies
Modern languages, translation and translatology
Management and tourist enhancement of cultural heritage