Digital and pandemic management: Societal and legal challenges of the "Wiqaytna" application
Face au déferlement de la pandémie du Covid 19, la technologie numérique a été d’un grand soutien au processus palliatif à la crise survenue.
Partnership between the Euromed University of Fez and AFD for the creation of a regional innovation hub in AGRITECH
The French Development Agency (AFD) and the Euromed University of Fès (UEMF) signed this Thursday, July 16, 2020, a financing agreement for the design and establishment of an AgriTech Cluster in the Fès-Meknes region.
Take part in the public consultation meeting via the Zoom platform
The EuroMed University of Fez in consortium with the General Confederation of Moroccan Companies Fès-Taza, the company Alten Delivery Center Morocco and the Regional Council of Fès-Meknès, is developing a project
Thesis defense in international cotutelle by Abdelmoula EL ABBOUCHI
A doctoral student at UEMF specializing in organic chemistry, Abdelmoula EL ABBOUCHI will present his thesis on July 9 around the theme "Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of new derivatives of ethacrynic acid as anticancer agents"
Students and covid-19: what outlook for the future?
How do students from our country relate to Covid-19? What representations do they make of this crisis in its complexity and its different dimensions?
Signature of the EMADU / UEMF - TANTAN framework agreement
On Friday February 15, 2020, EMADU, the EuroMed School of Architecture, Design and Town Planning of the EuroMed University of Fez