Accords et partenariats

Cooperation agreement with the École Polytechnique Paris

Jacques Biot, President of the École Polytechnique, and Mostapha Bousmina, President of the Euromed University of Fez, today signed a cooperation agreement at the headquarters of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Paris, in the presence of t

Signature of an agreement between the UEMF and the French Institute

Signature of an agreement between the UEMF and the French Institute, in the presence of Mr. Jean Marc Berthon, Director General of the French Institute of Morocco, Mr. Christophe de Beauvais, Cooperation Advisor in Higher Education and Research, M

The Euromed School of Architecture and Urban Planning opened at the start of the 2016 academic year within UEMF

President Mostapha Bousmina and Rector Luigi DEI signed a "Cultural and Scientific Collaboration Agreement" and a "Specific Partnership Agreement" for the co-creation and co-development of the Euro-Mediterranean School of Architecture and Urban Pl

Partnership between the Euromed University of Fez and AFD for the creation of a regional innovation hub in AGRITECH

The French Development Agency (AFD) and the Euromed University of Fès (UEMF) signed this Thursday, July 16, 2020, a financing agreement for the design and establishment of an AgriTech Cluster in the Fès region. Meknes. This is an unprecedented pro

Signature of the EMADU / UEMF - TANTAN framework agreement

On Friday February 15, 2020, EMADU, the EuroMed School of Architecture, Design and Town Planning of the EuroMed University of Fez signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Municipality of Tantan with the support of the AMCTC-Alliance Marocaine Local

Accord de partenariat entre l'Université Euromed de Fès et Dassault Systèmes - En

L’Université Euromed de Fès (UEMF) et « Dassault Systèmes », l’une des plus grandes compagnies dans le monde dans le domaine des logiciels de conception 3D, de l’ingénierie numérique et de l’univers