PhD: Climate change and sustainable environment

PhD Thesis Topics

Design and implementation of a spatial reference database for middle atlas water resources (morocco)


In Morocco, water is characterized by spatial rainfall heterogeneity, temporal irregularity and high vulnerability to both climate change and the harms of human activities, as well as mismanagement of water resources.
This study will focus on the Middle Atlasic domain, called the "Water Castle of Morocco", which by its area of 23,000km2 belongs to four major watersheds: Sebou, Moulouya, Oum Errabiaa and Bouregreg; hence, the importance and interest of characterizing the water resources of this mountain range, by designing and implementing an information-rich database that can be used for the collection, treatment, organization, updating and analysis of spatial and temporal data.
The study is therefore multidisciplinary, based on climatic, hydrological, hydrogeological, geological and geophysical synthesis (electric method, aeromagnetic ...) of the different basins and aquifers belonging to this chain.
The thesis project envisages providing new elements in terms of data used, methodology and treatment tools, which can contribute to enriching the scientific heritage relating to water resources of the area, as well as providing a basic platform to assist decision-makers in their territorial water decision-making programmes.

Key words

Middle Atlas, database, water resources, design, hydrology, hydrogeology, climatology.

Profile searched

The candidate must have a master's degree or an engineering degree (Bac-5 or equivalent) in:

Geo resources,
Engineering geology.

Working conditions: PhD student will conduct full-time research according to working hours at the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez

Thesis direction
Director of thesis at the UEMF: Prof. Farah El Hassani ( )