El Moueffak Mohamed
Euromed Business School
Doctorate in Management Information Technology, University of Nice • 1986 •
“Training of trainers” certificate • 2000 • Rome and Vienna.
Education training certificate • 1995 • Princeton University, USA
Certificate "perfection in management" • 1993 • Georges Washington University, USA
Research Master "Information System", Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse • 1982 •
Digital transition and university governance,
Information system management.
Main previous Academic Positions
Ability Professor in Information Systems Management
Iscae Group Chief Executive Officer (2011-2015)
Director of studies Iscae (2005-2011)
Head of SID department (2001-2004)
Other previous functions
Member of the Board of Directors of the ISCAE Group
Member of the associative council of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
Member of the Board of Directors of the French Business School
Member of CNACES (National Commission for Higher Education)
Member of the national commission for the equivalence of diplomas
Director of the Moroccan journal of Management Sciences
Director of the publication "Tadbir"
Director of Purchasing review.
II. Articles in national journals with reviewing committee
1. Sabar, M., Mohamed El MOUEFFAK, (2014).
"Impact Of Flexibility And Employee Preferences On Staff Scheduling: A Multi-Agent Simulation Approach. "
Moroccan Journal of Mangement Sciences (N .4).
2. Inas EL FARISSI, Mohamed El MOUEFFAK, Siham MEKNASSI (2014).
“Islamic and conventional financial instruments: Utilities, consistency and correspondences. "
Moroccan Journal of Mangement Sciences (N.4).
3. Mohamed El MOUEFFAK, Karim CHARAF, Inass EL FARISSI, (2014).
"Islamic insurance and conventional insurance".
Moroccan Journal of Mangement Sciences (N.4)
I. Communications at international conferences
1. "The digital transition and Moroccan universities"
IGNEUF International Symposium on UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE IN THE DIGITAL AGE. Sofia, March 28-29, 2019.
2. "Analysis of the capacity of regional, provincial and local actors to implement an integrated model for improving secondary education institutions", M. EL MOUEFFAK
Second Euro-Mediterranean Days
Vis-Island, Croatia. September 2018
3. Mohamed SABAR., Mohamed El MOUEFFAK. (2014).
“Impact Of Flexibility And Employee Preferences On Staff Scheduling: A Multi-Agent Simulation Approach. "
10th Francophone Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation-MOSIM’14-
November 5-7, 2014- Nancy, France "From the linear economy to the circular economy”.
III. Communications in proceedings of national conferences
1. Mohamed El MOUEFFAK. (2014).
“Company and training-employment adequacy. "
3rd International Human Resources Forum,
December 05 and 06, 2014, Tangier, Morocco
2. Mohamed El MOUEFFAK. (2001).
"Information technology and internal auditing. "
ECIIA conference, Casablanca on October 25 and 26, 2001.
V. Member of scientific committees of international conferences:
May 19-21, 2016, Syracuse University, New Yor, USA
2. 5th International Conference on the Institutional and Technological Environment of Microfinance - ITEM 5 -
19 AND 20 March 2014, Casablanca, Morocco
VI -Member of organizing committees for conferences and symposia:
1. Co-chair of the organizing committee of the 5th international conference on the environment institutional and technological micro-finance.
March 19-20, 2014 in Casablanca, Morocco
2. Co-chair of the organizing committee of the international symposium
"Research in management sciences: context, Benchmark and new trends",
February 27-28, 2014, Casablanca, Morocco
Introduction to Management
Information system management