The Orientation, Supervisory and Development Board (OSDB), also known as the Board of Directors (BOD), has the following mission:
- to set the general orientations of the University;
- to ensure the smooth running and development of the University;
- to examine and approve the University's development project presented by its President;
- review and approve the budget prepared by the President of the University;
- to adopt the budget and the annual accounts of the University;
- to approve the status of the teaching and research staff of the University as well as that of the administrative and technical staff, both national and foreign;
- appoint ad-hoc committees, including a Compensation Committee to decide on the salary of the President;
- ensure the execution of the budget and entrust the Director of Administration and Finance (Treasurer of the Foundation) or his interim to co-sign, with the President of UEMF, payments and expenses statements and any other financial document of the University;
- to study and propose to the General Assembly the allocation of the results;
- Approve the creation of institutes, teaching and/or research units and centres and determine their vocation;
- to decide on the creation of institutions annexed to the University;
- to establish the internal regulations relating to the functioning of the University.
Composition of the OSDB
The OSDB is composed of a minimum of 8 members appointed by decision of the Ordinary General Assembly under the terms laid down in its internal regulation. It is chaired by the Chancellor.
Three seats of the OSDB shall be allocated automatically and permanently:
- to the representative of the ministerial department in charge of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training
- to the ministerial department in charge of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
- to the ministerial department in charge of the Economy and Finance.