Kiefer François

INSA Euro-Méditerranée

1988     Agregado ENS Cachan

1989-1995     Ingeniero Aeroespacial Misiles

Procedimientos de fabricación mecánica
Syistemas técnicos de información
Ingeniería de sistemas complejos

1996     Doctor en ENS Cachan (producción automatizada)
1996-2017     Docente-investigador en INSA Strasbourg (Director de docencia 2010-2017)
2017-     Director INSA Euro-Méditerranée

1-« Heterogeneous modelling tools for integrated production systems » Kiefer, F.
International Journal for Production Research, 2000, vol. 38, No. 17, Pages 4149-4157

2-“Design of information system architectures using a key-problem framework “ Goepp, V.; Kiefer, F.; Geiskopf, F.Computers in Industry, 2006, 57(2), Pages 189-200.

3-“Consistency in tool selection for cast iron milling” Geiskopf, F.; Kiefer, F.; Caillaud, E.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007, Vol. 34, Numbers 1-2, pp. 9-20(12)

4-“A proposal for a framework to classify and review contingent information system design methods”
Goepp V.; Kiefer F.: De Guio R.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2008,Vol. 54, Issue 2,  Pages 215-228

5-“Information system design and integrated enterprise modelling through a key-problem framework”
Goepp V.; Kiefer F.; Avila O.Computers in Industry, 2008, Vol. 59, Issue 7, Pages 660-671

6-“A problem driven approach to interface Manufacturing Strategy Analysis and
Manufacturing System Design”Geiskopf, F.;Goepp V.; Kiefer, F. ; Caillaud, E.
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2009, Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 355-367

7- »Understanding and Classifying Information System Alignment Approaches » Avila O., Goepp V., Kiefer F.Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2009, Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 2-14

8-“ATIS: A method for the complete alignment of technical information systems” Avila O. ; Goepp V. ; Kiefer, F.International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2011, Volume 24, Issue 11, Pages 993-1009

9-“Addressing alignment concerns into the design of domain-specific information systems” Avila O. ; Goepp V. ; Kiefer, F.Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management,

Proyectos S4, S8 y S9 en Ingeniería Mecánica  & Energética, recorrido Mecánica & Ingeniería  Industrial
Arquitectura de los sistemas de información, ERP, MES
Procedimientos de Fabricación
FAO, herramientas, metrología